Saturday, September 24, 2016

2nd "A Phenomenal Woman's Conference" - Planning Call to Action

#Phenomenal Women!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call to ACTION
Taking names now to form a more perfect union.
Here is your opportunity to collaborate with some of the most #phenomenal women and men. This is our second annual conference and this years theme is-

***Phenomenal Woman: We're in the 4th Quarter What's On Your Calendar

Many of us newbies don't think about planning for the next year in advance nor do we practice reflecting on what has taken place that we can acknowledge and define what we can do better. Here is the perfect place and time.

Conference Tentative date: September 2017

We are in our planning phase for our 2nd "A Phenomenal Woman's Conference" Nashville
Here is what you will be apart of:

1. Television/Radio Interviews for all those who are entrepreneurs, speakers, etc.
2. Marketing 101 Course
3. How to host a successful Virtual Book Launch
4. You found Your Niche now What?

*****VIP SPA Treatment ------YASSSSSS!
.... Much More!!!!

We will be calling for prayers *****, visionaries, speakers, ambassadors, event planning experts, sponsors, donations, and marketers within the next few weeks.

I urge you to jump on a board this train now because we are moving fast.
Here is a blast from the past conference
If you are interested contact,

Nikki Ruffin-Smith OR

More to follow. Keep watching. You don't want to miss any of the information to come.

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