It is great pleasure to announce the following courses are available for 2017 and are running each month. Comment with your name, email address, the course desired, and how soon you'd like to start. Each course is $37 until Jan 5th. Regular price is $399

1. COURSE TOPIC - Rebuild Your Life 2017COURSE DESCRIPTION -We all have found ourselves in this situation of rebuilding a time or 2 or 3?What gets me is, with those of us who have found ourselves rebuilding 3, 4, 5, times, is we refuse to listen to ourselves & to others. We refuse to close our mouthes long enough to allow someone (other than you) who has wisdom & knowledge to give us a solid plan. We don't even get around to the implementation phase of the plan because we can't stop talking so damn much. Yeah I'm mad! Yeah I'm serious! You should be too.Unfortunately, we start allowing our ego to strut! Yes, strut like George Jefferson. Like we got it going on & our shit don't stank when it does more than stank. Do I have to remind any of you of what the definition of insanity is? I thought not.We've got to stop, drop and ROLL our way over to something or someone who has it together....who has it the way we desire to have it and someone who can hold us accountable. You know what I mean? Cause guess what. YOU cannot. Remember, you attempted 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you could have then you would have.
So, now bow down and let me show you how. Let me hold you accountable. 2017 is your year! Who is ready, willing, and able?
1. Spiritual PTSDPost, Present Trauma Strategically Designed to Distract you from your DESTINY2. Spiritual AnorexiaStarving or depriving oneself of all things essential: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually3. Spiritual BulimiaOver indulgence then A-VOID-ance4. Spiritual AddictionToo much of anything which leads to dependence or reliance and ultimately may cause DIS-Ease5. Trial then Error6. The Breakthrough Period7. Commitment and the Journey then Habit8. The BREAKTHROUGHCOURSE LEVEL -
Basic, Intermediate and AdvancedINSTRUCTOR - Nikki Ruffin-SmithBEST DAY OF THE WEEK TO TEACH - Any day of the week after 7pm centralEMAIL ADDRESS -; nikkichelle05@gmail.comTELEPHONE NUMBER - 205-533-0121PERISCOPE HANDLE- @exhaletoexcel2
2. Course Topic - A Phenomenal MarriageCourse Description: As I share my experiences of marriage, I offer advise and encouragement to those who are deciding to get married or who have been married for about five years or less. Many of those relating to this description find themselves on a roller coaster ride. The days are mostly happy OR unfortunately mostly sad. My goal is to show the student how to get to "PHENOMENAL". It is a mind-set.
In the Beginning, A Phenomenal Man and Wo-Man
Lust, Love, Lies
A Curse
How Can I Pray for Him/Her When I Don't Even Like Him/Her
Emotional Control, let it Go
Getting to Happy
Getting to Peace
In the Beginning, A Phenomenal Man and Wo-ManLust, Love, LiesA CurseHow Can I Pray for Him/Her When I Don't Even Like Him/HerEmotional Control, let it GoGetting to HappyGetting to Peace
In the Beginning, A Phenomenal Man and Wo-ManLust, Love, LiesA CurseHow Can I Pray for Him/Her When I Don't Even Like Him/HerEmotional Control, let it GoGetting to HappyGetting to Peace
3. Self Confidence for a Phenomenal WomanCourse Description: Often times we find ourselves speaking very unkind words to ourselves. We find ourselves in a battle of negative emotions that ultimately sabotage every wonderful thing we are, thought we were, was told we were, etc. Is it a lack of self confidence, self esteem or is it self doubt? This is a course about how to identify which and learn how to accept where we are while also overcoming and walk into our destiny.Agenda:Self Improvement TipsWhy is Self Care ImportantThe Self Esteem LeachSelf Doubt OR Lack Self-Esteem/ConfidenceWhen Self Doubt Rears its Ugly HeadYou are Indeed PhenomenalBasic, Intermediate, Advanced
4. Seasons Change and So Do WeCourse Description: Assist women with transformation. The concept is built on the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale which rates a person’s likelihood of future illness based on her stress level. The scale is a list of common stressful events, both positive and negative, all of which are assigned a numerical value of “life-changing units.” For example, marriage, the basis for comparison, was assigned 50 life-changing units. Some other events on the scale include the death of a spouse, which has a value of 100 life-changing units, being fired (47), and revision of personal habits (24). Phase One For those that are displaying high values, we will develop courses of action to assist with making transition more comfortable via: first and foremost, encouraging time to grieve, providing classes, encouraging physical exercise, encouraging opening up to others who are in the same situation by joining our support life consulting group, developing coping mechanisms, visualization (imagining- “imago”), vision boarding and opening up to new ideas that are interesting. We also address physical health concerns that are maybe or has become obstacles. Phase Two (Fun Phase) Often times we will find if we take the focus off of ourselves and step into someone else’s shoes, just for a minute, our challenges are minute in comparison. In this phase, we encourage willing readers/participants to open their hearts a different kind of exercise. It’s not role playing. The reader opens her mind and heart to the stories of the characters in my book. Again, by taking the focus off oneself, not only does this phase is designed to observe another person’s challenges but it is designed relax the client and allow divine intervention.Seasons Change and So Do We - fiction and is animated, which we know that laughing is medicine to the soul. There is a nice balance of life challenges and humor. Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
5. Lazarus Rise Up!Course Description- "The raising of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, signifies the restoring to consciousness of the idea of youth, which is asleep in the subconsciousness, or tomb of the body. People grow old because they let the youth idea fall asleep. This idea is not dead, but is sleeping, and the understanding I AM (Jesus) goes to awaken it. This awakening of youthful energies is necessary to one in theregeneration." (Bible Commentary)In this course we will discover are we spiritually sleeping or are we spiritually "dead" and how to rise again through Jesus the Christ.Agenda:Lazarus (Background)Lazarus are You Sleeping?Lazarus are You Dead? So it is WrittenThe Man/Woman In the MirrorCommand the relationship, business, idea to RISEIt Only Takes a Spark Negativity No More - What are you Thinking?The Power of Your Words - What are You Saying?Procrastination No More - What are you NOT doing?Remain Planted and ALIVELazarus are YOU playing Small?In the Midst of It AllBe Ready - Prepare Your MindDon't Look BackI'm Alive Now I will LiveAdvanced class ***
6. Spiritual Strategic PlanningLearning requires us to keep perfecting the feedback, listening loop that fuels our learning. Proverbs 1:5 states, let the wise listen and add their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. How hungry are you to not stay where you are? Many entrepreneurs today ask the wrong question when they begin their strategic thinking and planning. Entrepreneurs that operate by asking, “What do you think we should do?” They end up in a different place than entrepreneurs who ask,“What does God think I should do?” In order to receive prosperity, entrepreneurs must learn to think and always operate in a spiritual rather than just a “natural” or human way. Building a spiritual learning mindset, a following and spiritual strategic planning go hand in hand. In Habakkuk 2, the Lord is communicating His plans to the prophet and instructs him, “Write the revelation [vision] down and make it plain on tablets so that those who read it may run with it...if it lingers, wait for it. It will come...but the righteous will live by faith” (Hab 2:2-4). From this passage, we are given some basic lessons about what we call “spiritual strategic planning.”• You must write your vision down.• You must make it plain to read.• If you make it plain to read, people can run with it.• In vision and planning, timing is everything.• You must wait for your vision to emerge.These are the eight spiritual strategic planning questions we will use to develop our strategic plan: Mission and Purpose Who are We?
What are our Needs?Priorities and Goals?How will we get there?Who on your team is responsible for what?When will it be done?How much will it cost?
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