In the
Beginning, A Phenomenal Man and Wo-Man
Just like me and my husband, my mother and
father were the cutest little couple. Just like me and my husband, regardless
of how cute my parents were or how loving they tried to be, they were
broken. They were looking for love and
satisfaction, just like many couples today.
Even in all their brokenness, they were phenomenal to me.
* One thing we know about kids is they are resilient. However, too much of the stress and pressure associated with a marriage in distress, children eventually do break. If their brokenness doesn't/hasn't appeared throughout their childhood, it will definitely come out during adulthood.
* Parents feel as if they are hiding the arguments, the heated conversations, and the brutal physical fights from their children. In actuality, it is the parent who is oblivious to what is really going on. Children know OR they will fill in the pieces of what they think they know.
* Ask yourself if it's worth it? To be totally honest, sometimes the answer to this question is YES. You see, arguments or disharmony on occasions is quite normal. Living as if nothing is ever wrong probably does more harm to the children than a few bad days they've witnessed with your spouse. You be the judge. Don't be afraid to seek help while working towards the answer because stress can often take over our normal good judgement.
Unlike my parents, and many couples, my
husband and I acknowledge our brokenness.
We had to. We went a step
further, we sought counseling. We are
healing together. The healing process
isn’t always comfortable. In fact, many
days are downright unbearable, like labor pains but we push our way through
together. Throughout this course, I am
going to refer to the phenomenal man and wo-man who “made” me, in order to have
a point of reference. I aim to tell my
pieces of my story, in an effort to help someone. What happened with my mom and dad is seen quite
often, even today. There is nothing
new. Because where there is a man, there
will always be a woman. Where there is
an incomplete man, a man who doesn’t know who he is or doesn’t know his
worth. There is always a woman that
reflects the same and she’s inevitably strategically placed in his path. Then, there comes cupid ready to strike.
He strikes,
line, and sinker.
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