Thursday, July 20, 2017

5 Weeks Book Writing. Publishing Work Shop, and "Training Days" As of August 2019

(Click Link Below to Pay)

5 Weeks Book Writing and Publishing Intensive Workshop

About ME:

Latest Achievement:  Chaplaincy and  **** Nya's Project

Here Is What I Can Provide for You TODAY as of August 2019:

If you are interested in writing your book and/or completing your book and/or publishing I am able to provide - 

One on One Coaching

Zoom Meet- Up on line once I receive at the minimum 5 people interested 
9 pm central
Every Tues and Thurs

Is Your Book Already Done?  Perfect.  Let's get it published 

Do the publishing yourself OR let me do it for YOU through 

what I call "Training Days"

Training Days Break Down -

Very Basic Publishing Fundamentals to include putting the book together for only

 Includes all of Basic Training with more detailed information

My first book! 

I was so proud of myself for completing it.  I felt like I was never going to see it all done.  I really believe "Seasons Change" is still my best book after almost 20 books later.

You can do it too.

Here is all you'll need:
laptop OR desk top computer
(If you do not have one, we can get access to one OR use good ole pen and paper)

Hire me as a ghost writer

Either way, it takes 

$250 (Until Nov 5) - clink link to pay
$325 (after Nov 5) - click link to pay

This intensive will be offered every six weeks until further notice

Text the words - book writing course to 615-295-4278


You'll understand the vital elements of a novel to help you build a premises for your story.  

You'll learn how to come up with your story idea by using your life experiences.  

You'll learn the significance of viewpoint, dialogue, and pacing and how they work to create your story.

You'll learn how to trust yourself and feel confident through out your journey.

You'll learn how to work as a team on each one of your book projects.

You'll learn how to start a blog and add segments of your book to get reviews early (before selling).

You'll learn how to confidently work under pressure with ease. 
(1st trick is to not edit as you go)

You will also get special offers for our next phase of becoming a successful author.

You'll learn the key elements for uploading your manuscript to Amazon.

Scholarship Search and Application Strategy Session

No matter your age (17 and Up), I can find money to support your education goals.  The scholarship finder process includes:

Consultation - FREE - 15 minutes

Note:  There is a $25 no show fee that will be taken in advance as a deposit (  I will electronically return your deposit during our free 15 min consultation.

Scholarship Search - $50 per hour or a minimum of three pings (whichever comes first)

Application assistance - $75 (30 min)

 Essay Assistance - $135 (1 hr)

Proofreading (2), Previewing (2), Organizing all documents (1)
Submission assistance (1) - $299

Entire Bundle ****** $450


Every year money goes unused.  WHY?  Every year we fail to attain free money for college or for any other purpose merely because we do not know the money exists, we do not believe it exists, the process is laborious and/or we do not understand the verbiage, we do not understand the process, we miss the key deadlines, we do not know of the deadlines, we aren't exposed to the information like others are, AND/OR the biggest one of all....
We have no confidence in our ability to attain a scholarship.  When in fact, this is furthest from the truth.

So, let's get it!

Text me - 615-295-4278 with your name and your question(s)
Only text if you are really wanting a scholarship
I'm giving free consultations for a short time only.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 6 and Day 7 of 21 Days of Manifestation

Within....Without (Video)

For the full lesson, please inquire about the workbook

Jesus Jesus Jesus (Video)

For the full lesson, please inquire about the workbook

Day 4 of 21 Days of Manifestation

Defeat Changes with a Change of Mind (video)

Thomas Edison failed more than 10,000 times and you thing your story is bad. (LOL)

Have your ever had such bad luck you thought you were cursed?  What was that time for you?  How did you feel?  Are you still in that chapter of your life or have you moved on?  If so or if not, how did you move on?

All it takes to move on is a change of mind-set to get the ball rolling towards a better life.  Please listen to no one say, stop dreaming; what you desire is not going to come knocking on your door; you're too old to do those things or want those things.  Cut those folks off now or miss out on your magical moments.

To continue with this lesson request the entire workbook.  

Friday, July 7, 2017

Day 3 of 21

Cut all Resources of Retreat

Have you ever been in a position where you had no other choice but to finish what you started?  If so, what was your situation?  How did you handle it?  Guess what????  You didn't die.  You made it through.

Let me tell about one of my many experiences.  One of my friend's son had learned to swim.  We were all excited for him.  My daughter and I decided to go swimming with my friend and her family.  I really wanted to see the young man swim.  I thought maybe he could teach me something.  Although I can keep from drowning, I am no real swimmer.  Anyway, he asked me to dive off the 12 foot diving board if he did.  You see, he was only six years old.  I didn't know he could dive like he was 26 and swimming for 26 years (lol).

I figured I'd accept the challenge merely because I thought he really wouldn't do it.  Why was it the first thing he did when we got in the pool?  Yes.  Well, I figured I'd follow through on my promise.  It was a promise.  Most of all, I had made a promise to a six year old.  I had to do it.  My heart beat was felt all over my body.  My life started flashing before my eyes.  After a few strokes (what I call strokes) in the pool, I made my way to the diving board.  Lord, I wanted to scream for somebody to beg me to not jump.  Instead I got applause.  WTW?  All the kids were looking at me, even the ones who weren't ours.  The life guard noticed my reluctance and moved closer to the boards.  My daughter was admiring every step I made.  I could see it in her big beautiful eyes.  There was no turning back, not now for sure.

I climed slowly to the top, then walked out to the tip of the board.  Guess what?  I began to look around then down.  My mouth went dry.  My legs felt like jelly.  I looked back in an effort to turn back but my body would not follow my mind.  I was too afraid to turn back.  Turning back was scarier than jumping at that point.  I looked to heaven and yelled here goes.

I...I...I JUMPED!  

I told you this story to say sometimes you just have to jump.  Look at these 21 days as jumping because turning back is more frightening than continuing.  No retreat; no surrender!

Keep going!  Stop thinking about turning back.  In fact, there is no other option at this point my friend.  You must continue.  We are on day three.  You made it to day three.


Thank you God for giving me the strength to keep going
Thank you God for growth due to previous experiences
Thank you God for development

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day 2 of 21 Days of Phenomenal Manifestation

A State of Mind

Success comes to those who become self conscious
                                                                                                   Think and Grow Rich

Video for today:

From this day forward do not listen to anyone or anything  that goes against what we agree upon during these 21 days.  So, if you already have negative people (and you know who they are) in your ear, you might want to cut them off at the knee.  Cut them off!  They will only keep you where you are for sure!

Know clearly what you want and have strong desire not obsession for what it is you intend.  You have to feel as if you are okay with or without the thing.  Keep in mind you are already manifesting as you read this insert.  Take on the mindset of, "I shall not want!"

     - Shut out those dominating thoughts that have held you down.  Open up to the success consciousness.  Do not try to define what that is.  If you already knew, you'd probably be there already.  The Universe will get you there, no worries.

     -  All you need at this moment is burning desire.  Stay with me!  All you need at this moment is burning desire.  Yes, I do want you to make sure you have written out a plan for acquiring your items but no need to be concerned with much more of the "how to(s)".

For now feel as if you already have all you placed on your list.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

1st day of the Phenomenal Days of Manifestation

Trick of Opportunity

Note:  If you can, we are fasting (only liquids) until 6 pm unless you are on medication that requires food; in your journal write 3 things you are grateful for prior to starting each lesson.

Ya'll I'm so ready, I can hardly type :-)

Lets go....

When defeat over takes you, the most logical thing you think of doing is throwing in the towel.  Sometimes the defeat is so overwhelming you almost never consider to "count it all joy".  You can hardly fix your lips/your heart to utter the words, let alone feel the words.  But God!  

You must!!!!  When you think it's over, it's really beginning.  The fat lady is getting ready to sing...she's getting ready sing...she's singing....she's singing LOUD!

Can you think of the times you almost stopped three feet from gold?  What if you had?  Name those times in your journal or in the comment section if you'd like.

I remember failing so badly my first and second semester of college.  I failed so miserably I began to think all the As I received in high school were bogus.  I had always been told I was very smart.  I even believed it until college.  So, why did I feel so dumb?  Well, after I took a break from college, due to Desert Shield/Storm, I started focusing more on adult things instead of "real life" stuff.  I went to war.  You can't get any realer than that.  I got married.  I got pregnant.  Then, you know what?  I stopped feeling dumb and realized I had to muster up enough confidence and feel great again.  You see, I had a whole lot more than me to think about.  I could no longer afford to wallow in the sorrow of defeat, I just didn't have time.  People were depending on me.  A little person was depending on me.  I was depending on me.  So, I went back to school.  It wasn't easy, especially with a baby and husband.  But, I went back and got my associates, my bachelors, and then eventually my masters.  The greatest part was I received them all with honors.  Yes, I am smart (smile).  Now, I am planning for my doctorate.

There is no such thing as defeat.  There is only temporary setbacks which are setups for victory!!!!

It's your turn.  Write down one or two of your past failures.  How did you turn it around?  If you haven't, how will you turn it around?


Thank you God for all I share from my experiences.
Thank you God for this audience of beautiful phenomenal women.
Thank you God for blessing us beyond measure

21 Days of Phenomenal Manifestation Intro

"So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me."

John 11:41

Thank you for committing to the group and to yourself.  I am so excited.  I hope you are too.  I believe in the word, "where there are two or more..."  We are going to move mountains ladies. 

What are you believing for? Are you ready to see it manifested? Are you really ready?

1. Prepare your mind by repeating these words, I am ready and open to have my world positively ROCKED!
I'll send you a link to all my videos to also assist. These will not be the videos for our 21 days.
2. Get a beautiful journal that represents love, peace, and happiness.
3. Write down 21 things you are wanting to manifest. Make sure you are sure beyond a shadow of doubt. Then, have no doubt. Do not share your list with anyone. Review list upon rising in the morning, noon, and before bed. Each time you review let it go.

9 Ways to Double Your Income During COVID-19

One of the best ways to double your income is to figure out what’s working and do more of that . Duh! Sounds simple enoug...