Saturday, September 24, 2016

Balancing the Law of Attraction, Part One

Because of the dysfunction and chaos in my young life, I developed problems with my bladder.  Like many kids, I wet the bed not just one night but almost every night.  No matter what anyone did to get me to stop, I still wet the bed.  After leaving Hartford, Connecticut I experienced another kind of hell though.  I had managed to make it through the horrible fights between my father and mother.  I had managed to make it through sexual abuse.  I had managed to make it through different disparaging moments of neglect to only find myself experiencing physical abuse unlike I’d ever imagined a person could experience.  I was a child.  What did I know?  I can’t remember my mother or father ever hitting us, even in the midst of my dad’s violent rants.  So being hit, no being beaten, was shock to my little system.   I felt my great grandmother hated me. She contributed to a lot of the instability inside my small little mind.  I can’t remember ever being coddled by her.  Well maybe once. 

I was a very bright, curious, and inquisitive kid which may be part of the reason she beat me.  She claimed she beat me because I wet the bed.  Well, according to the LOA, you get what you focus on and give your energy to right?  Needless to say, I focused on not wetting the bed but my nerves were so rattled until my energy screamed “wet the bed”.  Every morning it never failed, like clock-work, my great grandmother would get us up, allow me to go into the bathroom to wash up and then she’d wait for me to come out only to be slaughtered by her powerful “cotton picking hands”.  Sometimes she would all but break the door down to get me out.  Many mornings my little hands could not wash my body because I shook so violently.  I was so afraid.  My screams, her screams and the belt screaming would bring my granddad (her son, my mom’s dad) to my rescue.  Those times he came were way too far and few, so it seemed.  The LOA never failed that’s for sure.  The more she beat me, the more I wet the bet, the more I focused on not wetting the bed, the more I wet the bed, the more she beat me, the more she told me I wouldn’t be anything, the more she told me I wouldn’t be anything, the more my spirit said, you are a liar.  I will show you.  Did she ever get tired of any of this?  Never. She kept it up like a champ.  Did I ever show her that her words were wrong?  You bet.  Remember the Law of Attraction works both ways.

The bible tells us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.  If you live in a selfish way, always looking out for number one, never wanting to help other people, then that’s what you get back. You may attract to yourself the same. Some of you are saying, “I know someone who is as selfish as they come but he/she seems to be blessed in their coming and their going.”  We all know people like that.  This is where I say, “Don’t hate on the players.”  You see, I believe selfish action may be a result of privileged thinking with some people.  They may feel truly entitled.  They may see themselves as “all that and a big bag of chips”.  Well, the way the LOA works is, the feeling gets the result. So, now you are saying ohhhhhhhhhh!  Now, I see! The state of being gets the result. That’s why you find it hard to explain how someone so cruel could be so prosperous.  How you feel about yourself gets the result. Those you deemed as cruel, do not see themselves as cruel or selfish.  Most of us probably believe or were taught to believe selfishness is a derivative of self-hate, lack of self-confidence, or disdain towards another person.  Which in many instances, I believe, is not the case.

If your state of being is joyful, you get joy. It’s just the way the LOA works.

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