Saturday, September 24, 2016

2nd "A Phenomenal Woman's Conference" - Planning Call to Action

#Phenomenal Women!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call to ACTION
Taking names now to form a more perfect union.
Here is your opportunity to collaborate with some of the most #phenomenal women and men. This is our second annual conference and this years theme is-

***Phenomenal Woman: We're in the 4th Quarter What's On Your Calendar

Many of us newbies don't think about planning for the next year in advance nor do we practice reflecting on what has taken place that we can acknowledge and define what we can do better. Here is the perfect place and time.

Conference Tentative date: September 2017

We are in our planning phase for our 2nd "A Phenomenal Woman's Conference" Nashville
Here is what you will be apart of:

1. Television/Radio Interviews for all those who are entrepreneurs, speakers, etc.
2. Marketing 101 Course
3. How to host a successful Virtual Book Launch
4. You found Your Niche now What?

*****VIP SPA Treatment ------YASSSSSS!
.... Much More!!!!

We will be calling for prayers *****, visionaries, speakers, ambassadors, event planning experts, sponsors, donations, and marketers within the next few weeks.

I urge you to jump on a board this train now because we are moving fast.
Here is a blast from the past conference
If you are interested contact,

Nikki Ruffin-Smith OR

More to follow. Keep watching. You don't want to miss any of the information to come.

Balancing the Law of Attraction, Part Two

The Bible tells us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.  If you live in a selfish way, always looking out for number one, never wanting to help other people, then that’s what you get back. You may attract to yourself the same. Some of you are saying, “I know someone who is as selfish as they come but he/she seems to be blessed in their coming and their going.”  We all know people like that.  This is where I say, “Don’t hate on the players.”  You see, I believe selfish action may be a result of privileged thinking with some people.  They may feel truly entitled.  They may see themselves as “all that and a big bag of chips”.  Well, the way the LOA works is, the feeling gets the result. So, now you are saying ohhhhhhhhhh!  Now, I see! The state of being gets the result. That’s why you find it hard to explain how someone so cruel could be so prosperous.  How you feel about yourself gets the result. Those you deemed as cruel, do not see themselves as cruel or selfish.  Most of us probably believe or were taught to believe selfishness is a derivative of self-hate, lack of self-confidence, or disdain towards another person.  Which in many instances, I believe, is not the case.

If your state of being is joyful, you get joy. It’s just the way the LOA works.

I remember when I first heard about the law of attraction it was like I had discovered the earth, wind and fire. It was just that fantastic to me. Fantastic can’t even describe the way I felt. It was as if the light had been off and then someone clicked on the light switch.  I was so far in the dark before learning about universal laws. I knew I was in my own dark fiery hell.  I longed for understanding.  I yearned for enlightenment.  I always knew there was something I wasn’t tapped into.  I knew it.  I just didn’t know how to reach it.  The great part about my misfortune is, I was trying to find the light and then the light found me. When the student is ready the teacher comes.  So much truth to knock and the door shall be opened; seek and ye shall find…

I grew up in church. I was taught you reap what you sow (which is the law of attraction) but it was never broken into tiny little pieces for me to understand.  I knew there was GOD. I knew there was Jesus.  I know there is Holy Spirit. However, God was explained to me in a way that led me to believe he (God) is a real physical he and he lives in the sky (heaven).  This GOD, who lives outside of me controls me and everything else around me. What I was also told and still find extremely unbelievable is GOD, the God of mercy, is also the author of turmoil, grief, greed, hostility, sickness, pain, negativity, death, and detriment. How? I can’t wrap my mind around this.

 I’ve also seen images of God, which appear to be someone’s grandfather. He appears kind though…. well, in some of the pictures.  In others he appears stern and vengeful.  What I’ve found for myself is the greatness called God, neither male or female, just greatness.  During the creation of this universe, the laws of the universe were also formed. We call these laws, spiritual or universal laws.  These laws change not.  As with the law of gravity, it changes not.  If you should jump off of a building, due to the law of gravity, you will be pulled towards the earth.  These laws are set.  An act of congress can’t change anything about these laws.  Getting reacquainted with what I had forgotten as a spiritual being entering into the physical realm, became like food to me.  I yearned for more spiritual knowledge.  I ate it. I slept it. I longed for it. I longed for everything spiritual. It wasn’t easy to totally embrace initially because I felt I was so far behind. So, I started cramming as if I was studying for college finals.  Little did I know.  I was right on time.  As time progressed, my faith grew stronger.  I began to believe I did control my destiny.  Accepting this stopped the madness in my mind.  I began to test what I had learned. According to the Word of God, I had every right to.
1 John 4:1–5King James Version (KJV)

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

Balancing the Law of Attraction, Part One

Because of the dysfunction and chaos in my young life, I developed problems with my bladder.  Like many kids, I wet the bed not just one night but almost every night.  No matter what anyone did to get me to stop, I still wet the bed.  After leaving Hartford, Connecticut I experienced another kind of hell though.  I had managed to make it through the horrible fights between my father and mother.  I had managed to make it through sexual abuse.  I had managed to make it through different disparaging moments of neglect to only find myself experiencing physical abuse unlike I’d ever imagined a person could experience.  I was a child.  What did I know?  I can’t remember my mother or father ever hitting us, even in the midst of my dad’s violent rants.  So being hit, no being beaten, was shock to my little system.   I felt my great grandmother hated me. She contributed to a lot of the instability inside my small little mind.  I can’t remember ever being coddled by her.  Well maybe once. 

I was a very bright, curious, and inquisitive kid which may be part of the reason she beat me.  She claimed she beat me because I wet the bed.  Well, according to the LOA, you get what you focus on and give your energy to right?  Needless to say, I focused on not wetting the bed but my nerves were so rattled until my energy screamed “wet the bed”.  Every morning it never failed, like clock-work, my great grandmother would get us up, allow me to go into the bathroom to wash up and then she’d wait for me to come out only to be slaughtered by her powerful “cotton picking hands”.  Sometimes she would all but break the door down to get me out.  Many mornings my little hands could not wash my body because I shook so violently.  I was so afraid.  My screams, her screams and the belt screaming would bring my granddad (her son, my mom’s dad) to my rescue.  Those times he came were way too far and few, so it seemed.  The LOA never failed that’s for sure.  The more she beat me, the more I wet the bet, the more I focused on not wetting the bed, the more I wet the bed, the more she beat me, the more she told me I wouldn’t be anything, the more she told me I wouldn’t be anything, the more my spirit said, you are a liar.  I will show you.  Did she ever get tired of any of this?  Never. She kept it up like a champ.  Did I ever show her that her words were wrong?  You bet.  Remember the Law of Attraction works both ways.

The bible tells us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.  If you live in a selfish way, always looking out for number one, never wanting to help other people, then that’s what you get back. You may attract to yourself the same. Some of you are saying, “I know someone who is as selfish as they come but he/she seems to be blessed in their coming and their going.”  We all know people like that.  This is where I say, “Don’t hate on the players.”  You see, I believe selfish action may be a result of privileged thinking with some people.  They may feel truly entitled.  They may see themselves as “all that and a big bag of chips”.  Well, the way the LOA works is, the feeling gets the result. So, now you are saying ohhhhhhhhhh!  Now, I see! The state of being gets the result. That’s why you find it hard to explain how someone so cruel could be so prosperous.  How you feel about yourself gets the result. Those you deemed as cruel, do not see themselves as cruel or selfish.  Most of us probably believe or were taught to believe selfishness is a derivative of self-hate, lack of self-confidence, or disdain towards another person.  Which in many instances, I believe, is not the case.

If your state of being is joyful, you get joy. It’s just the way the LOA works.

Making of a Slave 2016,17,18...

Some of us have read, Making of a Slave by Willie Lynch, while some of us know not of its existence.  If you have been fortunate enough to have taken the time to dissect that reading, maybe you’ll agree that many things have changed in our modern society as some things have undoubtedly remained the same.  It is my effort today to not glorify but to bring relevance to Willie Lynch’s piece of work.  It is my aim to share my thoughts while getting those who will read Making of a Slave 2016,17,18... an opportunity to explain, if not to another then to themselves, how we shall now overcome.

Part I:
If a people have the audacity to cause pain and degradation that is powerful enough to intimidate, infiltrate, subjugate and exterminate another group of people which then ultimately poisons the spirit, the minds, and even the souls of their offspring …in my opinion this is this is the new definition of madness.  In my opinion, this type of pain and degradation is one far greater than Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or any other “order” man has selected to label as some sort of mental dis-ease.

Can’t totally blame one group though, we as a whole (all people) have chosen to continuously disregard and act as if this atrocity has not and does not exist any longer in our society.  We close our eyes, cover our ears, and silence ourselves towards the injustices of people even further.   Some of us even say, well, slavery is dead…slavery is a crime.  What are they crying about now?  What are they crying about you ask.  “They” are crying because they do not see the chains but they have them on nonetheless.  Slavery is what slavery does.  One group’s madness has created mass generations of “walking dead”.  Just look around, there are enslaved people walking around every day…all day.   Some scratch until the chains inevitably loosen or fall away, while others remain shackled.  Those who are shackled use techniques they’ve learned to fuel the chaos within and fuel the chaos without.  

Friday, September 23, 2016

A Crash Course in Hashtags

Content hashtags 
Content hashtags are common hashtags that are related to your post content.
Content hashtags improve the SEO of your posts. They get your updates seen by consumers who are searching for, or using, the hashtag words.
Here are a few categories of common hashtags, for example:
·         product hashtags
·         lifestyle hashtags
·         event hashtags
·         location hashtags
Product hashtags
People search for common product tags. They use them too. When you create posts about the client’s products, think like them- use hashtags that connect both the product and their market.  
If the client owns a coffee shop, post images of their lattes using the #latte hashtag. Here’s the #Latte feed on Instagram:

You could also use common tags like #caffeinefix or #latteart.
Lifestyle hashtags
People want to connect with people who have common lifestyles. To market to the client’s audience, think about their demographics’ lifestyle and hobbies. Then seek out well used hashtags to include in a few of your updates.
Discount Tackle Online uses common hashtags like #trout and #flyfishing on Google+. The post shows up in both hashtags streams, which gets their update seen by people who follow the fish related tags, or even search for them on the site.

Event Hashtags
Event-based hashtags can be good to include in a content update. An event could be anything from a local community fair, to a well-known global celebration, to a live product launch or a live webinar the client is hosting online.
Here’s how Williams Sonoma tells their Facebook Fans about a local charity event they’re attending. They use the event hashtag of #FeastPDX to support the cause, and promote it with partners through social sites:

Location hashtags
If the client is a locally based business, they need to connect with their local customers. Use specific geo-targeted hashtags to get your business known in your city.
For example, if the client is a local shop owner, use the hashtag of their. Those updates will be seen by their local customers.
Large companies use location based hashtags too. BP Alaska uses this tactic on Twitter. They use #Fairbanks to connect with the locals in Fairbanks, Alaska:

Tips for how you can use common hashtags:
·         Find common hashtags by check out what tags are being used by your followers, your competition and your product partners.
·         Engage with people using related common hashtags - whether it’s a retweet on Twitter, a Like on Facebook, a comment on Instagram, and so on.
·         Don’t ‘spam’ your posts with tons of common (or any) hashtags - this makes you look ‘salesy’ and does not instill trust with your consumer.

Some additional thoughts on Hashtags:
Keep it simple and consistent. 
When crafting hashtags for your own tweets, it's important to keep a couple rules of thumb in mind. First, keep your tags simple and direct. In a tweet about your latest blog post, which explains your company's use of finance apps, don't create a long, complex hashtag. Pair the tweet with hashtags like #apps and #SmallBiz, versus #SmallBusinessAppsandTools. Overly complicated hashtags like these are neither search-friendly nor commonly used, so your tweet will get buried quickly.
Secondly, don't weigh your tweets down with excessive hashtags. Not only will including too many hashtags make your tweet difficult to read, it can make you seem desperate for attention. Twitter recommends using no more than 2 hashtags per tweet in order to most effectively relay your thoughts. If your intention is to be thorough, a thoughtful, precise selection of 1-2 hashtags per tweet works. If you must use multiple hashtags in a single tweet, separate them by at least several words.
Write First, Tag Second Twitter is defined as a micro-blogging platform. Keep this technical definition in mind as you strive to produce original, innovative content. Tweets which a written as a vehicle for industry-related hashtags have little value for follower engagement. Write your tweet first and add hashtags second in order to ensure each of the 140 characters packs the maximum punch. If you are wondering how to use hashtags, remember to enhance the tweet, not define it.

Know the In-Crowd Carefully examine the 
popularity of a hashtag by searching for it on Twitter or HootSuite before launching a tweet. If you are hoping to inspire engagement among your fans or initiate sincere dialogue, a popular saying can act as an invitation to outsiders. While popular hashtags serve a distinct purpose, original hashtags are often the best bet for engagement in a closed group. If you are curating content or hoping to gain attention by discussing a hot topic, check out trending hashtags to ensure you receive the most mileage possible. Popularity is a critical part of how to use hashtags.

Be Sensitive While using trending hashtags about current events to bring attention to your brand can be tempting,
avoid insensitive hijacking of serious dialogue. You should never take advantage of tragic current events to gain new followers. Joining the conversation is almost always acceptable, but self-interested hijacking is not how to use hashtags.

Think Like A Dromedary Hashtags are difficult to read, so be sure and use 
CamelCase. Capitalizing the first letter of each separate word is how to use hashtags for maximum readability. If you are discussing #inboundmarketing, try adding some capitol letters to achieve a more readable #InboundMarketing hashtag.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How to Create Multiple Streams of Business Income

Just like investing, earning business income should not be done from only one source. When you invest, you choose a wide variety of different types of businesses in which to invest in order to leverage losses and keep them to a minimum. The same thing can be accomplished with your business income if you diversify the places from where you can earn, and the types of products from which you can earn.

It doesn't matter what kind of business you have; you can multiply your earnings by creating multiple streams of income.

First, create a product or service. Then figure out different ways to make money from it. You can offer a whole sale price for your product and even a bulk order discount on services. You can sell your product full price on your own website or if it's a physical product in a store.

You can recruit affiliates (start with customers) who will promote the product and/or service for you. You can write a book, and open up a coaching business or consulting business. You can even teach a class about your topic. These are all different income streams surrounding the same product or service.

You want to have a good mix of active income and so-called passive income. Active income are activities you perform directly to earn revenue - such as providing a service like coaching, writing, administrative work and so forth. Passive income is when you do work once, and are paid for it indefinitely. This would be something like writing an eBook or information product, or selling memberships to a club.

The wonderful thing about earning money from a multitude of sources is that if one goes south, you're not going to starve. Let's look at an example of writing one book.

Your Book: How to XYZ

Sources of income for your Book How to XYZ:

* Direct book sales
* Product recommendations via blog and book
* Consulting/coaching with people who want to do XYZ
* Speaking at events about XYZ
* Teaching courses about XYZ
* Selling other people's related products
* Advertising relevant ads on your blog about XYZ
* Writing for magazines about XYZ

These are all legitimate ways to make money just due to one book. The book could have been born out of another money-making activity such as being a contractor, virtual assistant, writer, graphic designer, internet marketer, or something else entirely like a health and nutrition expert. Whatever your niche you can make money doing the things listed above, creating multiple streams of income that far exceed the potential income from just one activity.

The idea of multiple steams of income works for bricks and mortar businesses too. If you sell a widget retail, you can now offer it wholesale, and attract affiliates to sell for a commission - thereby creating three streams of income from one product. You could expand that further by writing a book, recommending other products, consulting with others and so forth.

It's not hard to create multiple sources of income once you start considering all the ways you can earn from one product or service.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Phenomenal E-books - Get them NOW

1st children's book of many to come.  I wrote this book because the world is becoming focused on getting our youth of color interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).  My target audience is the educator market.  I have an upcoming speaking engagement in the Selma, Alabama School System to market my book and STEM.

Again, black women...successful black women are shaping the world we live in at an alarming rate.  My goal with this book is to begin to tell her story (my story) from a military perspective.  My audience is military black women (30 years and older)  and aspiring military black women.

A Phenomenal Woman:  Again, black women...successful black women are shaping the world we live in at an alarming rate.  My goal with this book is to begin to tell her story (my story) from a military perspective.  My audience is military black women (30 years and older)  and aspiring military black women.

The target audience - Women and Men (40 years of age and up) embarking on a new chapter in life.  They are open to changing and reinventing themselves after experiencing success and failure. 
Inbox me to purchase


A Phenomenal Grand Mother


Sign of the times -  Unfortunately black America is still facing racism to a degree that the world is stopping to "take a knee".  In this book I chose to have my voice heard as grandmother of a black young man.  The target audience - Grandmothers who are raising black sons.


Kindle Version

Empowered Women of Social Media: Finding Global Unity in Social Communities
An inspiring anthology and part of the "Empowered Women of Social Media" series. Women, to include Contributing author Nikki Ruffin-Smith, struggle and suffer in life because they hold back burning stories buried deep within. In this book over 30 women came together and formed a cohesive team. Each story will uplift you as you read about struggles and survival. Some of these authors built million dollar businesses using just social media, while others used social networking to find love. 


30 Self Improvement Tips
Why Self Care is important; How to stop Sabotaging your Success; Energy Thieves do Exist; How to Tune into Your Intuition; How to Stop Comparing Yourself to others;
And Much More
Now Only Free with a purchase of one book

21 FB LIVE Marketing
Learn How to Tune into Your target Market
Facebook posts that are guaranteed to engage people...
Now Only $11

Seasons Change and So Do We
Take a look into the lives of four friends who share life's highs and lows together. The prove that their bond remains strong although seasons change.

I wrote Seasons Change and So Do We, a few years ago.  This was my very first book.  At the time, there was the "Waiting to Exhale Movement" and black women were being noticed on an emotional level.  So, I decided to tap into that audience.  I still plan to take time out to really market this book because I believe this material will continue to be in high demand.
Now Only $9

Lazarus Rise Up - only $29.99 


Available Thanksgiving Day
Just for ordering you will promptly receive:
1. My 1st chapter of A Phenomenal Woman (Value $19.99)
2. Marketing 101 (Value $150)
3. Featured Interview during "A Phenomenal Woman's Radio Segment (Value $299)
Lazarus Chapters include:
Lazarus are You Sleeping?
Lazarus are You Dead?
So it is Written
The Man/Woman In the Mirror
Command the relationship, business, idea to RISE
It Only Takes a Spark
Negativity No More - What are you Thinking?
The Power of Your Words - What are You Saying?
Procrastination No More - What are you NOT doing?
Remain Planted and ALIVE
Lazarus are YOU playing Small?
In the Midst of It All
Be Ready - Prepare Your Mind
Don't Look Back
I'm Alive Now I will Live
Motivational & Transformation
One on One Coaching $99
Group of 3 Coaching $79 each
Group of 4 Coaching $59 each
Group of 5 Coaching $49 each

My Memoir
A Phenomenal Woman
$15 (EBook)

Request more information by posting in the comments section if you are interested in purchasing books

Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Clean and Organize Your Keywords for Daily Use

If you think that keywords aren't important even today after all the search algorithm changes, you're wrong. Keywords and keyword phrases are more important than ever. It's still how your audience finds you, and it will be for a long time to come. It's important to periodically clean and organize your keywords so that you can more easily use them on a daily basis when creating any type of content for your business.

Find Keywords

Using a keyword tool like Wordtracker or Google's Keyword Planner you can create a list of keywords to use for your niche. When you first save the keywords you're not going to worry much about anything other than to toss out keywords that are either too competitive, or no one is using. Try to get at least 100 keywords and keyword phrases. Then save them and keep them ready to use and organized.

Wordtracker link:
Google's Keyword Planner link:

Use a Spreadsheet

Once you have a good number of keywords and keyword phrases you can import them into a spreadsheet. You want to note certain things about the keywords such as whether it is a main category keyword, a subcategory keyword, or a negative keyword. Plus, you want to note whether you've used the keyword or phrase before and where, plus the response. You can actually work toward having up to 2000 keywords if you desire. If they're organized into a spreadsheet you'll be able to keep track better about when and how they've been used.

Use Specialized Software

Depending upon your budget, there are many software programs that you can purchase that will help you manage and predict how well a certain keyword or keyword phrase will work for your niche. A few to take note of are: Adobe AdLens, Keyword Organizer from Clever Gizmos, and Good Keywords. Each piece of software works well to help you keep your keyword list organized and clean. Try them out to find out which one you like the best.

Adobe AdLens link:
Keyword Organizer link:
Good Keywords link:

Keep an Alphabetical List

You can go old school and simply keep an alphabetical list of keywords and keyword phrases that you want to use in your content on your blogs, websites and in social media in a document, saved in a file with the other information about your website. Just start at the top of the list, writing articles, blog posts, social media updates, and then work your way to the bottom. Do fresh research every few months to come up with even more keywords to use. Toss any keywords that are too competitive, or that have no real use within your niche.

Check a Keywords Performance

Long gone are the days when you create content from every single possible keyword that you can find that's remotely close to your niche. Today, your content needs not only keywords, but a reason to exist. The content needs to provide value in addition to providing a place for keywords and keyword phrases to reside. Poor performing keywords should be eliminated and otherwise usable blog posts and articles should be updated using better words and phrases when possible.

By periodically organizing your keywords you'll be able to identify new words, create more useful combinations of keywords, delete useless and old phrases that no one uses anymore, and keep your current list organized and clean.

9 Ways to Double Your Income During COVID-19

One of the best ways to double your income is to figure out what’s working and do more of that . Duh! Sounds simple enoug...