Even if all you have is one hour a day, you can do a lot to increase traffic to your website. The best way to get more traffic to your website quickly is to add more targeted content, promote that content, and keep repeating that.
Many things on this list will not even take you an hour. If you start at the top of the list and work your way down the list over a day or two, spending one hour each day, you can dramatically increase your website traffic.
1. Add “alt” tags to images on your website
2. Add a plugin like Inline Tweet Sharer
Link - https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-tweet-sharer/
3. Add an online forum
4. Add deep links to more content on blog posts
5. Add links to your website to all autoresponder series
6. Add one email to your autoresponder series
7. Add one resource to your website
8. Add to the FAQ on your website
9. Add Your blog to iTunes and Amazon
10. Answer comments on your blog
11. Ask for shares, tweets and likes
12. Build a sitemap
13. Comment on other people’s blog posts
14. Create and run a Facebook advertisement
15. Create a cheat sheet for your audience to use
16. Create a Gravatar account
Link - https://en.gravatar.com/
17. Create a poll on Facebook
18. Create a SlideShow.net out of an old blog post
19. Create and send out a press release
20. Create your own blogging network
21. Curate other people’s content on a topic of interest
22. Curate someone else’s content surrounding one topic
23. Develop a blog tour
24. Ensure that your site is responsive
25. Highlight and organize old blog posts surrounding a particular topic
26. Host a teleseminar
27. Host a webinar
28. Improve META descriptions on your website
29. Interview a client or customer
30. Interview an important person in your niche
31. Join a syndication network
32. Offer a free eBook to your audience
33. Open up comments on your blog
34. Organize a targeted pin board on Pinterest
35. Participate in online forums
36. Personalize your 404 error page
37. Promote your content on social media
38. Publish your RSS feed
39. Send out a breaking news story
40. Send out a newsletter
41. Share influencers’ content with your audience
42. Share, tweet, like
43. Start a sponsored content feed on LinkedIn
44. Start an expert panel series
45. Submit a guest blog post for publication
46. Tie a holiday into your promotions
47. Transcribe interviews to text
48. Turn a fact-based data driven blog post into an infographic
49. Turn an old blog post into a short video
50. Update an old blog post with new information
51. Update any social media site profile
52. Update images on your website
53. Update your Facebook page profile
54. Update your Google Plus profile
55. Update your Pinterest profile
56. Update your profile on LinkedIn
57. Use Canva.com to grab a quote to share on social media
58. Use screenshots to make a how to guide
59. Write and publish a new blog post on your website
60. Write one page of your next book
When it comes down to it, you will need to promote and distribute all the content that you create in order to make the most of it. Getting more traffic to your website is as easy as increasing the amount of content that you produce, as well as the amount of promoting that you do for that content. Create, distribute, promote and repeat should be your mantra.
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