Wednesday, January 25, 2017

God Always Hears You When You Pray

41 "...Father,I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”


The Praying Woman Devotional by Stormie Omartian

I consider every minute of thought, prayer.  That is why I do my best to be mindful of what I'm thinking because thought becomes things.  

What about you?

Are you mindful of what you are thinking?  Or do you just let your mind run freely?  If so, why?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Dream Big or Go Home

 Let me plan your Get Away

The sand between my toes feel magnificent.  I never thought I'd love the beach as much as I am learning to.  It seems as if I was meant to live and lay on the beach.  It's a dream come true.  Our fifth wedding anniversary...a wedding, done just the way I had envisioned it.  I can't believe I was able to fly all of our wedding party out here to include some of our family members too.  Only a couple said they really couldn't make it due to work.  They tried everything they could to be a part of our big day but it just didn't work out that way.  Instead of replacing our friends, we narrowed the wedding party down a bit.  So, we spent a bit on their clothing.  Clothing is material.  I learned a long time ago, the wedding is only a day. The marriage is a life time which includes having good people in our lives who support our marriage even when we don't.

My honey proposed to me twice before we planned our big day.  I told him it would be nice to have him propose the way he had five years ago.  Then, I'd like for him to ask my oldest brother for his blessing.  He agreed.  I couldn't believe it.  He said he would play the role until the very end.

This is part of my dream that will soon manifest.  What is yours? What does your life look like if there were no limitations?  What is your money story?  Answer the following questions:

The 8 Millionaire Blocks Masterclass with T. Harv Eker


1. Harv grew up being taught that money means ______________ (survival).

2. How many of Harv’s businesses failed before he decided to pursue spirituality instead? _______

3. After pursing both wealth and spirituality separately, Harv asked the universe for help. The message he received was “Harv, embrace ______________________________ of ___________________”.

4. You can be kind, generous, loving, ___________________ and __________________ and really, really, really, really _______________. generous spiritual.

5. You don’t need to label yourself as either spiritual or business minded. Stop saying, “I’m not that _____________ of ___________________.” You can learn to succeed at anything.

6. Your beliefs create the _______________ . When Harv is able to shine a light on these beliefs and you realize what beliefs do not serve you, you are able to remove them from your life, and your whole world shifts.

7. If you believe that rich people are bad in any way, shape or form, you can __________ be rich.

To be continued!

PTSD Group Therapy - Post One

Day 3 -

Essential Points:

Prolonged Exposure Therapy - One of the options I have to treat my PTSD; PET helps stop me from using avoidance as a coping strategy.  This treatment actually encourages me to me to constantly revisit those things I want to avoid.

Since I've been going to group therapy, I have to say things have gotten a bit better for me.  At least the voice inside my head has settled down.  I'm listening to positive mantras on a daily basis. Television is pretty much little to none.  I realize television keeps the voice alive.  Television keeps the voice LOUD!  

There was a time I could watch television show after television show without any visible remnants of stress or MESS.  I'm sure it was there but I didn't know.  Now, I may spend one or two nights watching one or two shows at the maximum.  

I really can't do anymore than that now.  Oh, and another thing I am working on doing away with, that's SOCIAL MEDIA.  If I didn't have a business to run on social media, I'd probably be done with it all together.  Social media has also  gotten to be a bit much, don't you think?  So, to mitigate the stress of social media, I'll limit my use to my business BLOGS, business Facebook posts, and business emails...every other day.

As time progresses, I may skip two days in between usage.  My mental health depends on it.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

How to Know You are Walking in Your Purpose

After almost thirty years of walking in what I deemed as my purpose, I have come to the realization while embarking on the second chapter of my life, I don't really know where to go next.  I know what I am good at, which is an endless stream of many many things.  However, choosing the one to focus on, especially if I want to make a living doing it, has been quite challenging.

My family and friends ask me all the time why do I have to do anything.  Why do I keep insisting on working?  Why can't I just be content with retirement?  Am I the only one who feels their questions are strange?  I look at them the way they look at we both are idiots.  As I think about it now, I guess the truth is, I'll probably die if I don't work in some fashion.  My husband tells me to do what makes me feel good as long as he and our baby are first.  However, I know he'd be elated if I stay home and cater to them as if I have no other desire in the world.  Don't get me wrong.  They are my passion and purpose.  They are just not my only passion and purpose.

Since I retired from the Army in 2015, I knew I wanted to continue to be a good wife, a good mother, and start my own business in life coaching.  I was so convinced this was my calling, I started planning and coaching many years before rendering my final salute to the daily grind of military life.

The fact of the matter is, no one told me I'd be spending countless hours and countless dollars trying to get paying clients.  Because of this eye-opening experience, I have tried my hand at the other things I am good at only to financially stay afloat.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't had to resort to getting a job I don't want to do.  God, please keep me from ever going that route ever.  I know what it feels like to rather jump off a cliff than spend a second doing something I hate.  I'll save that song for another record o.k.

It's been a year of trials.  Some of the trials have been good but the good are countable on one hand.  I know it takes time for businesses to really take off...I know this.  Yet, telling my bank account to hold on is not working out too well.  I spend my days asking God to lead me to my breakthrough. Where is it?

So, the other day, as I was cleaning the kitchen, I ran across a great video presentation which told about knowing your purpose.  Have you ever heard something you already knew yet it was like you had heard something you had never heard before?  I learned we feel this way when our souls are in receiving mode.  It's a lot like when you are craving a certain food but don't know what food you are craving for until you finally get it.  Doesn't it just hit the spot?  Don't you just feel as if you walked right into heaven?  

To read the entire e-book you may send an email to 

Nikki Ruffin -Smith 

OR purchase here:

Thursday, January 19, 2017

No Limit Baby!

No Limit Baby!  This year is the beginning of all the great years to come and my part is to carry the mindset of this truth from day to day.  No matter what is seen by my eyes, after I count it all joy, take physical measures to address it, then I will dismiss it unto God to do the rest.

You see, today is the day where I stop thinking like I did all the years before.

1 Cor 13:11
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

I know it's challenging but I have to prevail.

Romans 5:3-5

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

I'm into a space of believing before I see what I want in my experience because only my belief will make it so.

Matthew 17:20
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Why do We Judge?

It appears that many people are speaking on how they feel about this or that via social media these days. 

Every time I went online, President Obama was attacked from sun up to sun down.  Now, it is President Trump.  The other day Kim Burrell and Bishop Eddie Long.  I was even attacked for proposing a question about Bishop Long in a way that heated many of my followers. Vultures went in!  So now, yesterday/today, Steve Harvey is being slammed and God only knows who else.

Readers, in this day and age, it is not unusual for anyone to find a comment which ridicules what the next person (did) or said, how they said it, when they said it and where they said it. Don't you just ask yourself, "Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing?"  Wow, until it's you on the receiving end right?  Then, there are some of us who could give two thoughts about whether someone says anything about us or not.

Well, my concern today is not about me the individual, but "me" the collective.  In order for me to understand some parts of this, I chose to go to where I find understanding.  For me, it is imperative to not only know, but to understand:

Luke 6:31Do to others as you would have them do to you.

The Bible states that there are two ways to judge others.  The Bible Does Say It Is Sin to Judge Other People's Motives.  Matthew 7:1-2 - Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.”

"We know Jesus must be talking about motives here because Scripture never contradicts Scripture. In Matthew 7:5, Jesus explains that once we address our own sin, we are then to help people with their sin. Jesus would not tell people judgment is always sin but then tell people to judge. Clearly there are two forms of judgment, one focusing on the motives and the other focusing on the actions." (
I think my greatest concern with this subject has become so overwhelming because there are some of us who pick and choose who or what gets judged.  Really?
In one breath, we spew words mightier than a double edged sword about someone we deem worth of judgement.  Then, when someone else does the same about someone else, there is backlash and that person is beaten up with every bible verse one can think of, for merely expressing his/her view (whether it's harshly stated or not).  
So, why?  Why is it alright to judge some people and not others?  I think we must ask ourselves, what are our motives.  Are we hypocrites?  
Is it best to remain silent about it all and best to practice tolerance of another person's point of view?
Readers, you tell me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It's Our Anniversary - My husband, I love YOU

…and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” 
Mark 10:8,9

The celebration of the minutes, hours, days, months, and years spent with the person of your dreams is like getting everything you ever wanted times 100.  When we are apart, there are moments I gasp for air because with out my mate, I feel I can't breathe.

As the Scriptures say, 
"A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." 
Ephesians 5:31

When you came into my world, the second time around, I knew we'd rediscover the love that brought us together the first time.  I knew we'd get to restart the clock as if we never were apart.  God granted us what was stolen plus everything we could have ever imagined.  Surely goodness and mercy will carry us all the days of our lives my love.

3 If you are a wife, you must put your husband first. Even if he opposes our message, you will win him over by what you do. No one else will have to say anything to him, 2 because he will see how you honor God and live a pure life. 3 Don’t depend on things like fancy hairdos or gold jewelry or expensive clothes to make you look beautiful. 4 Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.
1 Peter 3Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Now we have the family, along with our other little birds, we have the family you and I both saw in our dreams so long ago.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7New International Version (NIV)

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

New International Version (NIV)

It's My Birthday so it's OK to Dream BIG

It is time for you to face the change, know your strengths in YOU, and take that action. If you do not face the change, the change will face you.

 Riya Chatterjee

My new job began promptly at 0900 hrs.  I felt this was a good time of day to get to my new office, being that I'm somewhat of a new mom still.  It was early enough to still get a lot of done but late enough to ensure my sweetie had had enough sleep.  My daughter is almost two years old.  Yes, she is ready to be potty trained, which is a great thing!  We decided to allow her to attend the day care center near the White House instead of her nanny watching her all day long.  Plus, my daughter is so used to going to school.  She would definitely miss it if she didn't go.

My new job, my new life, and everything else happened so fast, it is hard to keep up.  One day I was unknown and working a job I loved but wanted so much more.  Be careful what you ask for right? Now, well in a matter of a few months, most of the world will probably know of me or know my name.  At first, most likely I will be called, "the lady with a made up job title" until what I was hired to do grows on everyone, including me.

You see, what had happened was...about six months ago, I saw an ad in a magazine for military veterans (the name eludes me at the moment) stating there is a dire need for a spiritual adviser to the president of the United States.  Really?  Really.  The person hired would become a permanent hire as the other members of the president's staff.  The job duties:

1.      Supports the Presidents Vision.

2.      Embraces and supports the Performance Improvement philosophy of the staff.

3.      Promotes personal safety.

4.      Uses effective customer service/interpersonal skills at all times.

5.      Meets established productivity standards.

6.      Assures spiritual assessment of the staff and that appropriate services are rendered in a timely manner.

7.      Facilitates the development in the interdisciplinary team plan of care to meet identified spiritual needs; works in close collaboration with the president and staff.

8.      Provides direct spiritual care to the president and staff in accordance with the ongoing needs and wishes.  Assess response to and satisfaction with care.

9.      Serves as liaison and support to selected chaplains and spiritual counselors.

10.  Documents direct services and ongoing communication with community chaplains and spiritual counselors in the electronic clinical record.

11.  Attends spiritual conferences and interdisciplinary team meetings. Assists the team developing and updating the Plan of Care.

12.  Provides the interdisciplinary team with consultation, education and support on spiritual care.

13.  Recruits chaplains, spiritual counselors, and spiritual care volunteers to meet staff needs by developing contacts and offering education.

14.  Provides for funeral or memorial services, religious services of prayer, worship, and rituals during the bereavement period.

15.  Plans periodic memorial services.

16.  Assists in supervision of spiritual care.

17.  Offers philosophies and religious beliefs opportunities to discuss and share thoughts, beliefs, and values.

18.  Meets with individual staff regarding personal spiritual/pastoral issues affecting their ability to function effectively and is available to staff for bereavement needs.

19.  Employees with email are required to maintain proficiency in the basic functions of the program and are also required to regularly check email and keep calendars up to date.

20.  Performs all other duties as assigned.

There was also a list all the perks that come with the job:

$10,000 a month housing allowance, 100 percent health/dental coverage, three paid vacations per year, two nannies and child care, a housekeeper, cook, free gym membership, daily dog care and training, three sick days per month paid, work week is Tuesday through Friday with time flexibility, travel pay for 20 percent required travel, student loan repayment for employee and two family members, 100 percent tuition plus books, leased car, car services, moving service, paid moving expenses, and work from home opportunities.

Of course all of this seemed way to good to be true.  Yet, I took down all the info and sent my resume in the very next day.

Immediately that little creepy voice started chiming in, "Girl this is a prank.  There is a catch.  Oh by the way did you not know you are not the only veteran walking this earth?  You are a woman.  You are a black woman.  Nobody knows you and you know no one.  Compare your skills to others out there and see who gets picked, not you.  You just had a baby when your only child turned 23, how dumb is that?  Oh, your husband is not going to want to relocate or start over."

Yeah, these are the words I told myself.  Instead of ignoring them right away, I decided to listen for a few minutes then I told myself to shut it down.  I reminded myself, if I can't say anything good, then shut the hell up.

After shutting down the voice of doom, the feeling of peace filled me in a way I cannot explain.

A few weeks went by.  I really had forgotten about the job.  I never told a soul, honestly out of embarrassment for even thinking I would have a chance.  Also, I didn't want anyone else to get on the bandwagon of doom either.  I know they wouldn't have the heart to tell me to my face that my goal was too high.  No, some folks don't have the heart to do that.  Well bless their hearts!  I wouldn't give them a chance to even think about it.  I had done enough damage to myself.  I didn't need any help.

So, any way, one day I was driving down the road, running a little late to my appointment.  I kept seeing this black SUV behind me.  My appointment was about thirty minutes away so it seemed very strange to have the same vehicle trail me every turn I made.  "Lord, is this the Po Po?"  Hmmmm.  My tag wasn't expired.  I wasn't speeding.  Oh my God, my tail light is out.  I could kick myself for not getting it fixed.  "He is going to pull me over."

Just like I thought, he pulled me over. "NO, I'm already late!" The lights flashed from his dashboard.  My life flashed before me.  Mr. Policeman please remember Black lives matter!

I must remain calm and polite.  I must let him know I am reaching for my information.  I mustn't protest.  Maybe he'd have mercy since he sees my veteran's tag.  Here he comes.

"Mrs. Smith, do you know why I pulled you over?"  How did he know my name?  What had I done?  My identity must have been stolen.  Relax girl!  Remember there is nothing to big for God.  Relax.

"No Sir, I don't know why you pulled me over."

 He told me to remain calm and to follow him to the nearest restaurant so he could give me more information.

WTW!!!  Give me more information about what, I thought.  Oh Lord, who the bleep did I marry? (LOL) This is about my husband I bet.  My husband must be a spy.  He must be undercover and everything about him is a lie.  Lord help me.

As instructed I followed the nice policeman over to McDonalds.  He waited for me to get out of my car and held the door open as I walked into the restaurant.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink ma'am?"

"Really Sir?  I don't know you from Adam nor do I know what this is about.  How in the world can I consume anything right now?"

He laughed and told me I'd be feeling like I had won a million bucks after our meeting.  Regardless of his reserve, I decided it was better if we get to it.  We sat down.

He looked at me and said, "You are a very special lady Mrs. Smith.  Out of 500 applicants you were chosen as the best qualified as the president's Spiritual Adviser."  Huh?  What?

Stay Tuned for Part TWO

Monday, January 16, 2017

Free First Chapter of Lazarus Rise Up


If you are reading this book, take this opportunity to congratulate yourself for making a quantum LEAP.  You know now you are at least alive, right?  You may just be sleeping as the biblical Lazarus was.  In fact, many believe Lazarus was dead until Jesus appeared to wake him.  It is my belief he was asleep as you are...I was.

Read John 11:1-44.

Whatever the case may have been, Lazarus laid unconscious for four days or maybe more, before Jesus physically showed up.  Well, how long have you been sleeping OR how long have you been dead?

Many are walking the earth dead.  There is some truth to "dead man walking" huh?
2016 has been a year of recovery for me.  You see, I lost my best friend, my mom, June 2015 unexpectedly.

 One day she was telling me she had cancer and it seemed she was gone in a matter of about six months.  I was devastated.  Part of me died with her.  Maybe all of me died.  To be honest, I'm still sleep walking some of the time.  Trauma will break us down into millions and millions of shattered pieces.  Before we know it, we are either dead from our broken heart or sleep walking through life while going through motions.  Can I get an amen?

YouTube Link:

Lazarus Rise Up, Nikki Ruffin-Smith – Lazarus --                                                                          

Chapter One: Are You Sleeping?

How can you receive   the good ness of God if you are sleeping?  Have you ever been holding a
conversation with someone to only realize they weren’t paying attention?  I have.  This isn’t a
good feeling.  Can you imagine, if God were a human how He’d feel?  I’m sure like you do.
Often, we are so wrapped up in our thoughts until it is very difficult for God to get through.   The
bible speaks of hearing in many verses such as the following:

Matthew 13:9 He who has ears, let him hear."

Matthew 13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.

Mark 4:9 Then Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Mark 4:23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."

Luke 8:8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it sprang up and produced a crop--a hundredfold." As Jesus said this, He called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Luke 14:35 It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile, and it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

My grandma used to say something that went like this, “I should have followed my first mind.”
Meaning, when the still small voice spoke, she should have listened.  Instead she continued to
sleep.    Think about the times you should have followed your first mind.  What were the
circumstances and what was the results of you not “hearing”?

Store Link:

Controversy Creates Communication and Content

Bishop Eddie Long - REST

The other day I posted on my Facebook page,  the late Bishop Eddie Long -

"Eddie Long! Then and then and now RI_?" with this subtext - "I posted to see who would judge each other . To see who'd respond. I post all the time about greatness, but there are crickets. I post about controversy and judgement flows like a river. I love Eddie Long. Lastly I posted this because it's my page."

It was my intent to get interaction.  I have no heaven or hell to put anyone in.  It was my intent to see how many of my established friends would chime in on such a controversial statement.  I fished for it and I got it.  It was my intent, because I am in ministry, to do an azimuth check on myself when it comes to judgment and to have others do the same. 

It was a difficult decision to go this route because most of the time I am very mild about what I post because really that's my personality.  However, it is true that people do not appreciate sensibility and in this day and time, sometimes sensibility has to be stretched a bit.  I am not saying we have to revert to scandal in order to be heard but it is common nature for people to respond to what appears to be chaos and controversy. 

Again, I got the feedback I wanted plus some.  I was able to get people to think and pay attention.

Here is how to do the same for your social media or blog site -

How to Choose the Right Controversial Topic to Write About 

One way to capture more attention on the internet is to write about a controversial topic. Controversial topics can encourage more audience participation, which can actually go viral - thus grabbing even more attention than you may be prepared for. It's a fine line to walk when using it to get more attention on social media. But, there are ways to choose controversial topics to make it work for your needs.

Know Your Audience

Every blog post starts with an understanding of your audience. That goes double for choosing to write about something controversial. You don't want to completely alienate your audience; you want to, ultimately, get them on board with you regarding the controversy. Take the time to survey your audience about various topics that could be controversial to make sure you really understand them.

Ensure That the Topic Is within Your Niche

Remember the point of your blog. You can have a lot of lofty goals for your blog, but ultimately it's to attract attention in order to capture leads that will convert into sales. Your controversial post should attract visitors within your niche. If the controversy surrounds something outside of your niche, there is no real point in doing the post.

Choose a Position Based on Real Feelings 

Don't try to play both sides against the middle. You won't create the controversy you want, and the post will fall flat. Choose a topic in which you can clearly take the controversial side of the argument without question. The controversial side of an argument is always the one that fewer people choose. If you really believe in the opinion and are invested in the topic, it will help you move forward with your blog post. 

Back Yourself Up with Facts

Try to find a lot of statistics to help back up your opinion. As someone once said, "You always have a right to your own opinion, but you don't have a right to your own facts." Using facts to back up your stance will go far in making your post readable, understandable, and logical, while still keeping the controversy that will propel your blog post to become viral.

Be Willing to Change Your Mind

When presenting your argument, invite others to try to change your mind with facts. This is a great way to lessen the blow of your alternative opinion about a topic within your niche. If you're not being one sided, but leaving some sides open for exploration in comments, you can keep the controversy going longer in the discussion portion of your blog post.

To recap, remember to keep the topic within your niche, take the minority view (but only if you really believe it), back yourself up with facts and statistics, show examples and allow an open dialogue to ensue after your blog post. Be willing to change your mind once there is discussion based on sound reasoning and facts.

Engage and Attract with Targeted Content

You know by now that you need unique and regular content on your website and/or blog in order to get more traffic. But, did you know that you also need to be concerned with who you are targeting? You want to ensure that all your blog posts and all your content is well thought out, so that it attracts people who are ready to buy from you with a simple push in the right direction. Truly targeted content will attract, engage and delight your audience. 

To create amazing content that gets results you need to:

Know Your Audience

If you don't know who your audience is enough to create in-depth audience profiles or personas, then you need to do more research. You may have one major audience such as "Women who want to lose weight." But that is a very broad audience. You need to narrow that audience down to specific women within a certain income bracket, married or single, kids or without kids, and so forth. 

By marketing to a very specific person you'll actually make more sales. People will feel as if your content speaks directly to them.

Create Keyword-Rich Titles

You don't want to overdo keywords, but there are places where keywords are important. You will know what keywords to use based on your research of your audience as well as the product knowledge that you have within your niche. 

Place keywords in blog post titles, article titles, headers, sub headers, and anchor text. Shoot for less than two percent keyword density, otherwise you may get dinged for "keyword stuffing" on Google which can lower your page rank. The important thing about keywords within titles is that they make sense and go with the content of the blog post or article.

Know the Purpose of the Content

Understanding the purpose of the piece of content you're creating is imperative to knowing how to properly target your content. Do you want the content to raise awareness of your brand? Are you trying to let your market know about your offerings? Are you trying to teach your audience something important to show how your products are different from your competitors? Are you trying to make more sales? 

Knowing the purpose will help you know what type of content to create to get the results that you want.

Promote Your Content

No matter how targeted your content is, you'll need to promote your content on social media - sometimes even through paid advertising. If you want to get a good result and have a lot of eyes on your content, it takes some extra work behind simply producing the content. Once you produce the content, the real work begins with marketing the content and engaging with your readers.

Targeted content is a great start in attracting and engaging your audience. To create targeted content you have to understand your audience, research the right keywords to use, and finally promote your content across all your social media accounts and on your email lists. Don't give up after production; keep going to go above and beyond with your content marketing efforts.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Manifest 17 Things in Just 17 Days Challenge

As I watched bits and pieces of Steve Harvey's show online about ordinary people manifesting big things.  The show was so interesting, I began to want to take on the manifestation challenge as well.  You see, there were a couple of young guys proclaiming they had done this and pretty much manifested their list down to the last few things.  Each of their lists included 500 things they each wanted.  What the heck, so I sat down to at least try to think of 500 things I could possibly want and didn't want. I even listed things for others.  I thought, "why not?"  I had done this before.  How hard could it be?  In fact it's extremely fun.  The hardest part of it all in my opinion is "making the list and checking it twice."

Now it's your turn.  If you'd like to join me on my 17 day challenge of manifesting, beginning January 17th comment below.

Here are a few links to assist you along the way:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Rebuild Your Life 2017 Tele-Seminar was truly PHENOMENAL.  If you were there online, you know. Many of you said you were willing to commit to 11 months of rebuilding.  I am going to hold your feet to the fire.
In order to begin rebuilding we have to recognize where we are.  So, I suppose starting from the beginning is a good spot for us all.  Therefore the title of our group and first program is called "Lazarus Rise Up."  You have to rise before you can rebuild.  You will need to purchase the ebook for this part of our program.

If you are reading this blog post then take this opportunity to congratulate yourself for making a quantum LEAP.  You know now you are at least alive right?  You may just be sleeping as the biblical Lazarus was.  In fact, many believe Lazarus was dead until Jesus appeared to wake him.  It is my belief he was asleep as you are...I was. Read John 11:1-44.
Whatever the case may have been, Lazarus laid unconscious for four days or maybe more, before Jesus physically showed up.  Well, how long have you been sleeping OR how long have you been dead?  
Many are walking the earth dead.  There is definitely some truth to "dead man walking" huh?  
2016 has been a year of recovery for me.  You see, I lost my best friend, my mom, June 2015 unexpectedly.  One day she was telling me she had cancer and it seemed she was gone in a matter of about six months.  I was devastated.  Part of me died with her.  Maybe all of me died.  To be honest, I'm still sleep walking some of the time.  Trauma will break us down into millions and millions of shattered pieces.  Before we know it, we are either dead from our broken heart or sleep walking through life while going through motions.  Can I get an amen? (View the teaching)

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Book Chapters include:
Lazarus are You Sleeping?
Lazarus are You Dead?
So it is Written
The Man/Woman In the Mirror
Command the relationship, business, idea to RISE
It Only Takes a Spark
Negativity No More - What are you Thinking?
The Power of Your Words - What are You Saying?
Procrastination No More - What are you NOT doing?
Remain Planted and ALIVE
Lazarus are YOU playing Small?
In the Midst of It All
Be Ready - Prepare Your Mind
Don't Look Back
I'm Alive Now I will Live

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